The “Saturday” Project by Hopps Skateboards


We know it’s only Friday, but TOA is proud to introduce “Saturday“, a rad new short from Hopps Skateboards. Featuring the entire Hopps squad: Jahmal Williams, Joel Meinholz, Steve Brandi, Dustin Eggeling, Piro Sierra, Keith Denley and Brian Clarke.

Interview with Jahmal Williams, Marcus Manoogian, and Josh Stewart about the making of the edit.


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The Get By – HBO Skate Doc

Mereu a fost o discutie aprinsa intre a face ceea ce iti place (skateboarding) si a arata asta lumii. Se pare ca documentarul HBO, „The Get By” a reusit sa faca asta in aproape 20 minute. Interviurile luate skaterilor New Yorkezi: Billy Rohan, Gino, Dr. Z, Fred Gall, Jake Johnson, Todd Jordon, Pops, J. Strickland, 5Boro’s Steve Rodriguez, Tolentino, Strobeck, Quim, Jahmal Williams si altii care au contribuit in a face scena de skate New Yorkeza ceea ce este astazi. Documentarul exploreaza constant lupta, care este skating in „Big Apple”, legand pasiunea acestor skateri in ideea emisiunii „How To Make It In America”.