A new collection from DGK and photographer Mike Blabac focusing on LOVE Park, Josh Kalis, and Stevie Williams.
The post DGK x Blabac ’99 Collection appeared first on TransWorld SKATEboarding.
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A new collection from DGK and photographer Mike Blabac focusing on LOVE Park, Josh Kalis, and Stevie Williams.
The post DGK x Blabac ’99 Collection appeared first on TransWorld SKATEboarding.
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Here’s a thorough look at LOVE Park and it’s impact in the global skate community. This 30-minute piece came out in the Winter 2004 issue of ON Video Magazine. LOVE Park was shut down then, but eventually came back. The parallel in some of these stories from over ten years ago is a trip. RIP LOVE.
Video Vortex: Stevie Williams in The Reason
Video / Kirk Dianda
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Welcome to our new video series, Video Vortex, where we’ll post up a classic part from a past TransWorld video. First off, to show our respect to the city of Philadelphia and Love Park is Stevie Williams’ part from The Reason (1999). Run, skate, chill. That’s what’s up.
Video / @tyevans @jon__holland
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Skate turul european deja devenit o traditie anuala la Supra Footware a avut loc anul acesta in: Spania, Franta si Germania pe parcursul a 2 saptamani la inceputul lunii Iulie.
Skateri prezenti in tur:
Erik Ellington, Terry Kennedy, Tom Penny, Lizard King, Stevie Williams, Kevin Romar, Keelan Dadd, Spencer Hamilton, Furby, Boo Johnson, Lucien Clarke, si Flo Mirtain