Un trip de 3 zile la Sibiu, unde prin campania “Burn – SOS Save Our Spot” s-a imbunatatit skate parkul din Sibiu.
In drum spre Sibiu, ne-am oprit in Ploiesti si Brasov sa luam skaterii care au beneficiat de transport gratuit catre eveniment. Tripul a fost extraordinar, insa din nefericire am pierdut toate filmarile din skate park :(.
Hi, i’m Charlot from Ploiesti, we’ve made a 20 mn skate video. I’ve 2 links, one on Daily motion and if people want they can download it on megaupload where the quality is way better.
hello, my name is Charlélie Vuillemin, i’m 26 and i’m from Dijon, France i have spent a year living in Ploiesti and i’m going to stay 1 or 2 years more…i’m also a french teacher i’ve been skating for 10 years now i’ve made a DVD ‘who’s got the biggest’ with guys from my town in France, i’m also a filmer and editor so if you feel a need to film great skateboarding moves i’m there!!!!! i got a VX2000 and fisheye MK2 i’m looking for a little help from the skateboard industry, i used to get sponsored by a shop in france but it’s closed now. i would also like to make a great part (movie) with skaters from romania, i know some of the guys from bucuresti (adrenalina, shecklerica and others) take care
Salut, numele meu e Charlélie Vuillemin, am 26 ani si sunt din orasul Dijon in Franta. Am un an de cand locuiesc in Ploiesti si o sa mai stau aici cel putin 1 an sau 2… sunt deasemenea un profesor francez. Ma dau pe skate de 10 ani, am facut un DVD “Who’s got the biggest” cu baietii din orasul meu in Franta, sunt deasemenea cameraman si editor, deci daca aveti nevoie sa filmati trickuri marfa, sunt acolo!!! Am un VX2000 si fisheye MK2. Caut putin ajutor din partea industriei skateboardingului, obisnuiam sa fiu sponsorizat de un magazin din Franta, dar acum este inchis. Mi-ar placea sa fac un film marfa cu skaterii din romania, cunosc deasemenea cativa din baietii din Bucuresti ( adrenalina, shecklerica si altii ) aveti grija