Age: 21
Home: Larvik, Norway
Sponsors: enjoi, Nike SB, RVCA, Official, Smoothiexchange
Recommended iPhone app: Instagram, Yelp.
Can’t live without: Water and food/family and friends.
Lucky charm: Right now I got a ring.
Video you’re looking forward to: The new Polar video.
Best live show you’ve seen: Snoop Dogg in Long Beach.
Am who should be pro: Dylan Witkin.
Best skater to be stranded on an island with: It depends which island.
Best style: Kevin Rodriguez, Jake Johnsen, Alex Olson.
Deedz is a young new ripper with an old school soul. He’s not afraid to throw down on a big handrail but will be the first to point out a red curb that has been painted with that buttery slick red paint. These days he spends his time escaping the Norwegian winters by bouncing back and forth between San Jose and Long Beach. Born in Norway, but brought up on the California skate culture, Deedz is definitely one to look out for in the near future.—Louie Barletta
Follow Didrik on IG: @deeddz
Video / @bigfootlurks, @AustinBristow @mattmullen916
Photo / @ReeceLeung
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